Exploring social media tools in SF, I've learned to balance sharing my life with respecting others' boundaries. It's challenging, but I'm adapting and wish these tools were more socially sensitive. Until then, I'll be mindful and tread lightly.
Living in San Francisco, it’s all too easy to get wrapped up in the social media bubble. There’s always a new service to use, an iPhone app to try out, a social network to join – it’s a constant game of catch-up, and I have to be honest that some days I positively hate it. That said, I’m constantly learning about myself and my friends (and total strangers) by being so immersed in all this Web 2.0 stuff.
Who knew that I’d love broadcasting short messages to the world about what happens to be on my mind (good and bad)? Or that I’d feel compelled to log each entry into a cafe, office, or surf spot with one of my location-based apps? If you’d asked me 2 years ago, the answer would have been a definitive “not me!” But things are different now, and as I adjust to a life where I’m always connected, I’m starting to rub up against some social “seams” I had totally ignored.
For example, it turns out that not everyone I know on Facebook wants to know when I’ve “checked in” to a bar or cafe – especially when I change locations a half dozen times a day. Equally surprising is that my friends who use Google Buzz complain about the same, which is weird because it means that they monitor Buzz religiously since I barely ever notice new Buzz notifications!
So while I’m theoretically meant to use these tools with abandon and feel free to send out the minutiae of my life to anyone who cares to pay attention (which isn’t always that many people), it turns out that what I actually have to do is carefully tip toe through the social media minefield, censoring myself as I go. I wonder if social media tools will eventually take into account the social seams they’re potentially bowling right over, and try to maintain a little social order and sensitivity. For now, I’ll be sure to tread lightly…